Sarah Sumii, CPO, Department Head
Holly Olszewski, CPO
Elizabeth Chabot, CO
Michael Meyers, C.Ped.
Patients are children with musculoskeletal problems. These include children with manifestations of cerebral palsy and spinal bifida (myelomeningocele); congenital dislocation of the hip and club feet; deformities resulting from trauma, including leg length discrepancies, amputations, and angular deformities of the extremities; curvature of the spine (scoliosis) and other spinal conditions; children with muscle and bone tumors; infection of bone and joints which can cause deformities and painful stiff joints manifested by a limp or a bowed leg; and bone deformities resulting from metabolic diseases. These types of problems are diagnosed and treated through the combined efforts of volunteer orthopedic surgeons.
The Clinic is blessed with having as volunteers a pediatric orthopedic surgeon from Tucson, a retired orthopedic surgeon from Green Valley, and a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who visits The Clinic from Sweden. Pediatric orthopedic surgeons and their staffs from the Shriners Hospitals in Spokane, Washington and Sacramento, California participate in the care of the children seen in the Orthopedic Department on alternate months. When surgical care for a child with an orthopedic problem is recommended, he/she is able to go to one of these Shriners Hospitals for surgical care. For children in need of braces, prostheses, physical therapy, and almost any other need, they are referred to the respective department of St. Andrew’s Children’s Clinic which have volunteers well trained in these specialty areas.
Pediatric nurses weigh and measure pediatric, cardiology, and nutrition patients. They record measurements and maintain records. Patients seen are from newborn to age 18 years. Medical conditions include cleft palate, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and all other conditions. Nursing staff distribute donated umbrella strollers. This helps the mothers who must carry their children, and as the children get older they get very heavy.
For pediatric patients, the nurses take the patients to the area where the doctors are located. The patient’s information is verified, and the computer clerk prints out an intake form for the doctors. The doctor asks questions of the parents, writes prescriptions, and refers the patient to other departments as necessary: to Physical Therapy for equipment or instruction, to Phlebotomy for a blood test, to Nutrition for education, to the Dermatologist or Cardiologist, to Vision or another specialty. Referral might be for an MRI or EEG in Tucson. In addition to pediatricians and family practice doctors, the Department includes two pediatric neurologists who see patients with neurological problems.
Round-trip transportation for patient and accompanying parent to Shriners Hospital for surgery: $1,000
Laboratory and Imagining Studies (X-ray, MRI, CAT Scan) for one child: $50-2,000
Umbrella strollers
Orthosis for one child: $250
Corrective shoes for one child: $100
Prosthesis for one child: $500
James Hayes, MD, Department Head, orthopedic surgeon
Francisco Valencia, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon
Mark Frankel, MD, orthopedic surgeon
Bertyl Romanus, MD pediatric orthopedic surgeon
Glen Baird, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Shriners Hospital, Spo- kane
Jon Davids, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Shriners Hospital, Sacra- mento
Joel Lerman, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Shriners Hospital, Sacra- mento
Michelle James, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand and upper extremities, Shriners Hospital, Sacramento
Karen Williams, RN, Care Coordinator, Shriners, Spokane
Francisco OQuendo, LPN, licensed practical nurse, Shriners, Spokane
Alma Martinez, MA, orthopedic assistant, Shriners, Sacramento
Melina McCahon, PA, physician assistant, Shriners, Sacramento
Ary Arauz, PA, physician assistant, Shriners, Sacramento
Imelda Priest, RN, Shriners Hospital, Sacramento
All of our health care staff volunteer their time—many take a day off from their practice to volunteer at The Clinic. Others are retired and give up a day of retirement activities. Many have been volunteering for a number of years. All are dedicated to providing quality care to our patients despite our often limited resources. Most come every month, but a few specialties are staffed every 3-4 months. By following the links below, you can learn more about each health care department, the staff, and needs of the department.
María Eugenia Piña, MD, Department Head
Ed Spenny, MD
Karl Friedmann, MD
Guillermo Garcia Quiroz, MD
John Gray, MD
Helen Danahey, MD
Louise Keane, RN
Alverita Egbert, RN
Susan Sergeant, RN
Roberta Harman, RN
Patients seen in this department need orthotic (bracing) and prosthetic (artificial limb) devices. Common pathologies of the children include cerebral palsy, spinal bifida, clubfoot, scoliosis, proximal femoral focal deficiency, and traumatic incidents leading to deficiencies of the upper or lower extremities.
Children who have special shoe needs are fitted by our volunteer Board Certified Pedorthist. He and his wife bring an inventory of specialized therapeutic footwear to each clinic. The footwear is fitted to the patients, to aid in leg and foot discrepancies, and extra depth requirements which accommodate the ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) provided by Hanger Clinic. They also add arch supports and full sole lifts to the patients’ shoes when needed.
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